Things reviewers say

Shane Elipot bio photo By Shane Elipot Comment

I found somehow reassuring to read in a blog post of EOS that the Editor in Chief of Geophysical Research Letters, no less, recently had a manuscript rejected for publication. He wrote that “this rejection was particularly deflating, both because I had invested two years in the science, and because two of the three reviewers dismissed the very conception of the analysis.” I see this as being told that your paper sucks because your analysis sucks in the first place. Ouch. We’ve all had at least one terrible story about a particular set of reviews. It turns out that last week was Peer Review Week! Who knew?

What I found funny is that following this rejection one of his students introduced him to “Shit my reviewers say”, the excellent tumblr account which is also on twitter as @YourPaperSucks and has been a favorite of mine for some time. If you did not know this wonderful resource of procrastination, happy reading!

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